Tuesday, April 15, 2008

why i hate people

everyone that sits by me knows how much i hate the mta system. so last night i was taking the e back to queens and got a seat took a nap. some old bag thinks that 5 inches of space is enough for her to sit. so she practically sits on my lap!!!!! the nerve. she didn't even say excuse me, just plomped right down and woke me from my nap. i shot her a dirty look and was too disoriented to curse her out cuz i would have. i was very cranky yesterday. so on the whole way, the e was taking it's sweet ass time, about an hour for a 40 min ride i had to endure that old bag. i hope i slammed the turnstyle in her face when we exited, she got off the same stop as me. but seriously, why do people insist on squeezing in when there clearly is no room?? this happens all the time on the 7 train and they have grooved seats. i have to fight all the asian people in the morning to get a seat. it's unreal. plus every morning in times square i smell puke while waiting for the 1 train. and i have seen plenty of piles of excrement around the subways. plus there are too many homeless people! i mean really! come on. i watched this simpsons episode where homer became a huge carnivorous blob and he ate all the homeless people in springfield. i think that would be a great solution for the subway system. that way paying people don't have to suffer from the stench and can sit during rush hour. also, why do people insist on bringing huge strollers during rush hour? why!!! and they leave it open with the 3 kids piled in and then sit blocking the whole bench. oh then the beggars with candy, street dancers or their house burned down and they can't afford a funeral, umm i'm not paying for your drug habit. i'm pretty much disgusted with people in general.

does anyone else experience horrible situations?

1 comment:

Elan said...

i have great train experiences. everyone smells like flowers and gives me all the room in the world so i may extend my legs and recline!